Dear Arc Digital subscribers,
I wanted to let you know that today is my last day at Arc.
I founded this place in 2016—well, co-founded it, alongside my good friend Ryan Huber—and I’ve been its editor in chief for the past seven years.
From our earliest days on Medium, to our move a couple of years ago to Substack, I’ve been at the helm of this site through it all.
But every era eventually comes to an end, and my role as Arc’s head honcho is no exception.
Nicholas Grossman has helped me run this place for most of those seven years. He’s been the best partner I could’ve asked for. He will be staying on and running Arc from here on out.
Why am I stepping down from Arc?
A new opportunity came up that I couldn’t pass up. I’ve accepted a role as senior editor of The UnPopulist, a newer site that is also hosted here on Substack. I’m legitimately stoked about joining them. Their editor in chief is Shikha Dalmia, whose discourse commitments—such as defending liberal values and pushing back against creeping authoritarianism—are in complete lockstep with my own.
When I think back on my time here, nothing but positive moments bubble up. Huber, Grossman, and I started something from scratch that along the way managed to (a) get shouted out on cable news, (b) feature some of the best writers in the game, (c) publish sitting politicians, (d) attract real investors, and, most important of all, (e) earn the respect of readers and thinkers whom we ourselves greatly respect.
I hope you’ll keep in touch. All of you are welcome at The UnPopulist (subscribing is completely free) and on my X timeline.
Thanks for making Arc Digital possible all these years. It’s been a wonderful ride.
Berny Belvedere
Thanks for all your work on Arc and best of luck.