But Leftist mobs took over our streets and no one stopped them. An unholy alliance of police security state operatives promulgated false narratives of collusion, lied to courts, and tied the President up in phony special counsel investigations and impeachments. Our schools have infiltrated by cancel culture social justice warriors who censor and suppress all opposition. The Pharma lobby and Big Tech and Social Media allied with the Education establishment to close down small businesses and schools and to force mask and vaccine mandates on large parts of the country. Climate Change is the new set of chains we are being fitted for. Trump was too weak and too naive to stop it all. Someone much stronger is needed to roll this all back. Free speech, freedom, and equal treatment under law is what we want.

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I'm not sure what to say to this other than that a lot of these menaces are either imagined or do not at all exist in the way you describe them. There was rioting in 2020, and that was correctly condemned by both leading Democrats and activists. As for the infiltration of schools, the idea that everyday teachers are teaming up with Big Tech and the pharmaceutical lobby to gain some sort of control over the kids belongs squarely in the land of conspiracy theory and nonsense.

Under the law, freedom of speech is not particularly imperiled, though I do think a culture of excessive constraint has emerged that's not particularly helpful or conducive to productive conversations. Trump was neither naive nor weak, at least not how you seem to imagine it. He was and is a cynical would-be authoritarian who failed to overthrow an American election. And it's frightening how widely the poison of his anti-truth, illiberal, thuggish brand of politics has spread throughout the right.

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I’m not sure how you can deny schools were closed and in-person schooling was suspended in blue states. Then when in-person schooling was resumed in those blue locales, kids were forced to wear masks and many were subject to mask mandates. All this had deleterious effects on our children. Meanwhile in places like Florida, the schools were not closed and masking was not required. The closures and masking was unnecessary: Covid was almost never harmful to otherwise healthy children. Schools in Blue states are awash with DEI officers and curricula based on the 1619 project and other critical race theory inspired materials. School teachers unions, NGOs, Charitable Foundations, and Leftist Billionaires have devoted a lot of resources to take control of local school boards. They have also promoted the introduction of inappropriate sexual material to young children and the push for gender transitioning children with puberty blockers and surgeries. Parents who object at school board meetings have been the subject of FBI investigation. You may be in denial about what has happened over the last several years and what is going on now. The real question is can you defend these insane and harmful policies pushed by the Progressive Left.

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