Washington Post has the following numbers for police shootings of unarmed people during all 2020 in the United States. (Note that it is only of shootings, but I understand that guns are the weapon/means used the most in unarmed killings.)
White Male 23
Black Male 17
Hispanic Male 7
Other Male 2
Unknowns Male 2
For Females, it's 1 White, 1 Black, 1 Hispanic, and 1 Unknown.
Washington Post has the following numbers for police shootings of unarmed people during all 2020 in the United States. (Note that it is only of shootings, but I understand that guns are the weapon/means used the most in unarmed killings.)
White Male 23
Black Male 17
Hispanic Male 7
Other Male 2
Unknowns Male 2
For Females, it's 1 White, 1 Black, 1 Hispanic, and 1 Unknown.