I see no mention in this article about the incontrovertible evidence that there was election fraud in Fulton County, Georgia. There are publicly available ballot images showing clear evidence of ballot duplication, (duplicates that were counted in the final tally,) as well as actual fraud in the tally cover sheets on the batches.

Surely, you should mention that to "steelman" your opponents argument for election integrity?

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During the count in Georgia, someone double-scanned almost 200 ballots, and then they caught and fixed the mistake. That shows the strength of the electoral system at correcting errors, and highlights how conspiracy theories of mass fraud are made up. Also worth noting that Biden won Georgia by over 11,000 votes.

So I could have mentioned this--it supports my argument--but the article was getting pretty long already.

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It seems you don't have the most recent information from the VoterGA lawsuit which clearly shows that thousands of duplicate ballots were included in the final count. It also shows that the batch tally sheets were egregiously wrong in at least seven cases. As this data is now publicly available including ballot images, you may want to review it before commenting further.

The information released last weekend can be reviewed here: www.gaballots.com

This is in addition to the lack of chain of custody paperwork for tens of thousands of absentee dropbox ballots.

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Minor errors that don't affect the outcome happen regularly, and usually get corrected. That's why states do recounts and audits, as Georgia did multiple times in 2020.

I'm not going to join you in rejecting the results of multiple recounts/audits in favor of spooky-sounding insinuation.

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2,500 thousand "mistakes" for Biden out of a sample of 140,000 votes is not "minor."

It's enough to overturn the election.

As for the audit, the tally sheets completed during the audit of Fulton county election show evidence of fraud, as in 7 cases, a batch of 100 ballots is marked as 100 for Biden and 0 for trump. Again, this is incontravertible evidence as we have the ballot images for those batches that show that the tally sheets are so wrong that one might infer fraud.

Ballot images are not "spooky sounding" insinuation. If you call yourself a journalist, do the investigation.

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Haha, needed a laugh today.

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